20k Leveling Gold Guide

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Making gold at lower levels

      Ok so this post is about vendor items for wow which means basically buying vendor items from diffent vendors all over Azeroth, Outlands, and Northrend and resaleing them in the auction house for a high mark up value.

     So now your saying to yourself that can be that will never work. Well you are partly right there is some stuff that just won't sell and there is other stuff that sells and sells for good price depending on your server. I will you give a short list of what items sell on my server and should not saying that they will you will have to do some leg work yourself to find out what sells and what doesn't sell.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Auction House Junkies

Auction House Junkies first and formost great podcast Wes and Cold are great to listen to. The first episode was great was funny and had a ton of information for scribes with the mysterious fortune cards from how to "bark" in trade chat to get your sells. Covers how to get the herbs and then what to do for prices.

Episode 2 was just as full of information. I like how they touched on what was covered in the last episode which for a new listener that listens to the newest episode will know what was covered in the prior episode. They talked about the obsiden ore shuffle how that all works and also covering the hot fixes and how they affect everyone and how to take advantage of these changes.

Welcome to Xander's Gold Mine

Hello and Welcome to Xander's Gold Mine! For your World of Warcraft gold tips and stratiges. First and formost I would like to say I'm no gold Guru YET!! But I'm well I'm on way to makes the Thousands upon thousands of gold and I wanted to take you with me on this great adventure.

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