20k Leveling Gold Guide

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Buying Items from Barking

    Gold Gold Gold there is so much gold to be made from buying items a lower cost from players barking in trade chat then flip in the AH! There is one reason because 90% of the players need the money now to buy the new piece of gear or vanity item. But whatever the reason they do this there is always gold to be made because what i have noticed is they sell for the most part 10% diference then what is being sold in the auction hall if not up to 20% down. What does this mean for you? Well what this means is pure profit for you. You can either meet them for trade or you can get cod either way you making Profit and thats what its all about.

   One thing to remember with this method is another great thing is ALWAYS ALWAYS tell whoever your buying from to add you to there friends list and message you if they have anything else to sell. And make sure you add them to yours and send random messages to them saying "Hey anything for sale today?" or "Hey you have any more xxx item?" I personally have 3 ppl that cod me items at least 3 to 4 times a day and i just resale or use for my professions. And as long as you agree on set prices you have yourself a personal farmer that can make you TONS OF GOLD!!  Also tell them to tell there friends about you and there guildmates thats just more profit for you to bring in.

   In the Example above this person is Selling a Flying Carpet for 200g and using the Auctioneer addon you can see you can post on the AH for 400g if not more if there is no other post and that is a 200g profit. Now i would only recommand doing this buying tactic with trade goods.(as this was only trade bark that was up when i thought of this post.) But as long as you know your markets you can be profitable with any item. Again don't Flood The Market with all the items you buy because you will kill yourself and and your profits.


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